Ant Invasion *
A sentence that JJ never would have guessed she'd hear first thing in the morning being said by the bloke lying next to her: "I don't want the ants to take over my body!"
It's a long story ...
*Adam and the Ants
Labels: basket case
A sentence that JJ never would have guessed she'd hear first thing in the morning being said by the bloke lying next to her: "I don't want the ants to take over my body!"
Labels: basket case
JJ has told me to put this down in writing, so I'm doing so ... MILLWALL WILL GET PROMOTED THIS SEASON!
JJ has witnessed me in ultra-weird mode lately. I keep rabbiting on about fish - no, not this kind, but this kind. And, more precisely, it is this specific species of fish that I have been boring her to death with. The excellent book Cod by Mark Kurlansky is to blame for that. Now why I chose to pick this up from the library a couple of weeks back I'm not quite sure, but I'm very glad I did. It may have been the tag line "A biography of the fish that changed the world." It might have been the fact that it won the award for Best Food Book in 1999. Anyway, whatever it was, I thoroughly enjoyed it, was educated by it, entertained by it and have been dying for some fish and chips since I started reading it and cannot believe that I've not had any. Furlansky has a lovely writing style and makes a strange choice for a writing subject absolutely fascinating. Then again, he can tap into some wonderful history when discussing cod: the "founding" of the Americas by the viking murderer Leif Eriksson, the early fishing expeditions to Newfoundland by the Basques, the battle to control the seas, the Pilgrims, the American and Frensh revolutions, the rise of commercial fishing, the cod wars between Iceland and Britain, technological advances which resulted in freezing (a certain Mr Birdseye), the slave trade.
Labels: but no pickled gerkin
A letter I read in the Financial Times a couple of weeks ago has been bugging me. I must have read and re-read it about 20 times (yes, I know, what a saddo). The issue I have with it is that I really cannot work out whether the writer is using an ironic argument to highlight the dangers to our planet or - and this is a scary thought - is actually serious. You decide:
Labels: bonkers
Man goes on holiday to Gambia. Man sees woman. Man peels potatoes. Man marries woman. Man comes back to England. Man talks pure pish.
Labels: love at first spud
Had a nice walk along the Thames this afternoon, with a short trip into Tate Modern along the way - very nice it all was and maybe a comment or two for the spectacular looking slides in the turbine hall when I get round to it.
Right, I can understand many people, including this fruitcake, wanting to kill Tony Blair, but why would he also want to kill this bloke? I mean, I can't stand the Lib-Dems (in fact, I'd rather vote Tory than them) but a bit strong to want to kill one of them. I can only guess it has something to do with this cataclysmic about-turn?
Labels: fascist nutjob
"Why are we the only guys here?" the boy asked me."Because it's a girly film," I answered.
Labels: Reidski is Derek Malcolm
Kev's entirely innocent post about a new CD sparks a rather heated debate - strange what fires people up, innit? Of course, my little comment wasn't supposed to stir things up ...
Labels: take it easy folks
Went to see Eddie and the Hot Rods with ex in New Cross pub last night. They were fabulous. Also fabulous were support band The Foxes. Also fabulous were two blokes rolling around the floor having the time of their lives. Not fabulous was stupid twat of a bouncer who told them to stop. More to say on this later, but, for now, running late for kick off of Killie v forces of darkness ... so down the pub I go.
Labels: music beer and football
There I was, watching this, bored shitless (although the result cheered me up - as did the England fans on the Radio 5 phone-in. I'm sure these same people - and I mean THE same people - who are now calling for McClaren to be sacked were insisting on the FA appointing an English manager when Sven walked off. So, who is the alternative? Pearce - no experience worth considering! Err, that's it!). Anyway, as I was saying, bored shitless, so I picked up the Lewisham and Catford News Shopper, as you do, and was delighted at such stories regarding objections to a pizza take away having a late opening license, a "brainy student" winning an essay competition and a move for a doctors' surgery. Also enjoyed - and, sorry, but no links here, the paper's "feature" on Valentine's Day, which consisted of adverts for a Greek restaurant, a curry house, florists, a barbers (how romantic), Hot Flush - The Menopause Has Never Been This Good! (musical at the Churchill Theatre) and fireworks (£20 for one which will light up the sky with a heart). Dontcha love local papers?
Excellent corporate Q&A from Bernard Matthews - obviously shitting themselves. Hope all this really fucks up the company's profits.
Labels: Reidski feels ill
Catchy music and songs ... yes, how horrid. You are into it so much for a week or so, playing it non-stop and then ................ you realise it's shit. That's what happened to me with with Oasis and their first album, with Coldplay and that Yellow fuckin crap and the Stereophonics (eh, joking, everything they did is and was shit and I was never into it!)! So, anyway, I've been a bit worried that I've been getting so into The Feeling. Definitely catchy. Definitely poppy. But, it has such quality that I just know that I'll be playing this in years to come. I'm not one for proclaiming albums to be classics when they are released. Hey, fuck, it took me over 30 years before I considered Forever Changes to be a classic. Led Zeppelin were over-indulgent arseholes and not worthy of a listen until my son turned me round. Sparks were just two weird fuckers until it hit me that they were making classic pop songs. So, onto The Feeling again ... love it!
Labels: music
Labels: no shit Sherlock
Why do I find just about every statement in this story very weird?
Labels: JJ and T'Pau
Labels: sign here