Just Like Nothing On Earth *
My son - aka the boy - was the talk of his sixth-form college yesterday.
Background: the boy has had a tough opening period in his A-level years (all his own doing right enough, what with the dope-smoking and massive absentee record).
Yesterday, friends of friends who are in another class were mentioning how a student who never turns up for class achieved an A mark in philosophy in recent test. Meanwhile, over in sociology, teacher asks the boy to stand up and then declares to class just how "proud" she is of him for achieving A in recent test and asks him to pass on his revision hints to rest of class. The boy says: "I didn't really do any revision!"
The boy goes along to philosophy class and realises that the student they have been talking about his him. Form teacher turns up at class and marches the boy to head teacher's room and tells her: "This is the boy I was telling you about." Head teacher says to the boy: "That any student can get A marks for sociology and philosophy is quite an achievement. That you, who never turns up for classes can do this, is quite phenomenal. But you have done it, so I can only congratulate you!" The boy's mates and fellow students are aghast at his marks. The boy thinks it's hilarious.
Had to admit, it was very funny. Well worth the tenner I gave him for beers!
And, yes, I know we all hated those kids at college/school who SAID they didn't do any work and then passed all exams easy. But the boy really, really, really done nothing!!
*The Stranglers
Labels: parental bragging